It was fun planning and anticipating Harry and Lou's wedding and fantasizing the way it would be, but there is nothing like the real thing. Having all the pictures, makes me feel even more like I was right there with them, as they expressed their love for one another. Thank you so much for including those of us who could not be there in body. We were certainly with you in spirit.
Lou, thank you for narrating your wedding so beautifully!
Everybody ready? ...let's go!
Shoshana 5, Bridie almost 2, Gemma 3.5, Molly 5
...still walking down the aisle
Gemma, Bridie, Molly, Shoshana wearing ribbon sandals. This is like a cave for the ceremony... they sat behind us.
Just getting the shells we collected, Grandpa.
Xena (celebrant) and Harry's brother Ron with back to us. On my arm is the horseshoe Harry's mother made.
Harry's younger daughter, Suzanne (Shoshana's mother), speaking the Handfasting Ceremony.
Glenn (sil) begins the Handfasting. Katherine, Harry's eldest in background. Their children are Molly, Gemma & Bridie.
Steven, Harry's younger son, ties some knots. Katherine & Glenn in b'ground. See the flowers all over the sand.
And so we kiss, still bound.
Unbound, we hug... it's done! Molly, Steven, Katherine (isn't she happy), Gemma... and you can see my ribbon sandals.
Suzanne leapt off the boulders for the first kiss. Shoshana, Xena, Molly (tossing flowers), Gemma, Katherine, Steven, Glenn
Doris, Harry's sister signs as witness. My sister, Julia waits to sign. The horseshoe has moved to my neck. Harry wears the Handfasting ribbon. Flares were lit during the Handfasting... for fire.
Julia signs. Can you see the frangipani pens Harry's mother made?
caught blinking... but we are married and bound by the ribbon.
...even little Bridie signs while Gemma, her bit done, gets ribbons tied to her wrists by Julia.
Guests on a flower-covered beach with Gemma dancing. On right you can see a musician. Moving towards left: Doris, Ron (H's sibs), Dad (with stick) & Mum with Steven, North behind (he's Doris' partner), Sheryl (Ron's wife), Katherine.
Grandpa holds Bridie while the announcement is made... we are Husband & Wife with a Marriage Certificate signed by everyone.
The blushing bride with her best friends, Estelle and Jan.
My wedding wouldn't have been complete without them!